Mitsubishi Delica Lawas Dimodif Tambah Gahar Bergaya Off-road

Luthfi Abdul Aziz - Senin, 4 Mei 2020 | 14:55 WIB

Modifikasi Mitsubishi Delica lawas bergaya off-road (Luthfi Abdul Aziz - )

Sementara pada bagian atapnya juga dipasangkan dengan roof rack lengkap dengan LED bar plus 2 lampu sorot ekstra.

Baca Juga: Baru Meluncur, Mitsubishi Delica Terbaru Dibuat Mepet Aspal

Pada atap juga tertanam tenda portabel yang menyatu dengan roof rack tersebut.
Mitsubishi Delica lawas bergaya off-road

Menyasar ke bagian belakang tampak tangga yang terhubung dengan roof rack sebagai aksen menempatkan barang bawaang berlebih ke kabin. 

Sisanya ada ubahan bumper custom yang lebih tebal. Plus pijakan bordres dan tambahan towing hook sebagai parianti tambaha untuk evakuasi saat terjebak kondisi darurat. Mantap!

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“Delica StarWagon LHD version” I started my car photography in Japan because I saw a lot of decent builds out there, it’s hard for me not to record all what I have witnessed in Japan. I think at this point there are so many people would love to spend their time to see my profile, I really appreciate that and I think it’s a good opportunity to find out some of gems in my hometown Taiwan. (I will be back to Japan soon, but not now, due to Coronavirus outbreak in Japan, it’s more safer staying in Taiwan than Japan now????) I know comparing to US, Japan or Australia etc, we still have plenty of room to improve our car culture, but I have seen lots of changes during these years. It just needs someone to share it out to the world. I’m not saying I’m world famous but at least via my photography skills I hope it could let more people know our car culture more :)

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